In October 2021, Worcester Youth and Family Counseling Services, Inc. launched Worcester Navigation in response to seeing the effects of financial hardship on children and families in Worcester County. Worcester Navigation meets these needs by connecting Worcester County residents to resources based upon their particular needs.  This includes, but is not limited to, financial assistance, financial literacy, educational support, job readiness training, mental health therapy, substance abuse service, wellness services, and medical treatment. What makes this program unique is the emphasis of moving beyond an immediate crisis and targeting long-term sustainability and wellness.

To participate in Worcester Connects, families can be self-referred or referred by any agency in the community. Caregivers will complete an initial screening, and if eligible, will be entered into the Navigation program. To be eligible, a financial need must be present; however, we will assist with any other need that may exist. Families must also make a commitment to meet with a Navigator to determine needs and create a plan for accessing resources. The Navigator will assist the family throughout the entire process by creating a supportive and non-judgmental atmosphere. Once families feel more sustained and have obtained their resources the case will be closed, however, they can return again at any time.

Worcester County’s Initiative to Preserve Families, the Local Management Board for Worcester County, and Maryland’s Governor’s Office of Crime Prevention, Youth, and Victim Services, on behalf of the Children’s Cabinet, funded this project under award number CCIF-2022-220596. All points of view in this document are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the official position of any State or Federal agency.

Please contact Christine Felix at our main office number or [email protected] for information or to start your Navigation process.